(716) 880-5897
a handshake between and a man and a woman at the office

Apex Healthcare Consulting

Apex Healthcare Consulting, LLC is designed to help new grads and new hires prepare for the apex of their career - finding that ideal attending job. It has been reported that anywhere from 40-70% of new doctors end up switching jobs within the first 5 years of their career.

In my experience, I have seen that this is largely due to the fact that new Physicians are rarely prepared for the workforce or given the knowledge on what to look for (or rather, look out for).

Throughout my years of practice management, I have noticed a great need for more education and guidance to help new grads and new hires know what to ask, have the confidence to properly negotiate a contract, and be better prepared to protect themselves from quick burnout.

What Sets Us Apart?

We will be representing you, your needs and your best interests by giving you unbiased feedback utilizing several years of experience working on the other side of contract negotiation and Physician recruitment. We are not affiliated with any hospital or group.

We will do our best to provide you with consultation, guidance and advice to best avoid dissatisfaction or quick burnout with the job that you intend to acquire as a result of our work together.

overlapping horizontal and vertical text about what it's like to work with Apex Healthcare Consulting
woman explaining to man the contract he is about to sign

Working With Us

After working with Apex Healthcare Consulting, LLC, you will gain a better understanding of the different types of contracts and incentive plans that are out there, have more confidence in negotiation and what compensation, staff, scheduling, etc. to ask for, know how to protect yourself from getting burnt out too quickly, and have help landing that ideal job.

Smart business minds in healthcare organizations will want to get the most out of their staff - let me help you get the most out of your employer, too. My goal is to prepare you for your new job and new world at the apex of your career!